Saturday, June 30, 2007

IF You Haven't Already...

... go to the bradshaw bunch website and check out the amazing things susan is doing with the family history stuff. i love hearing stories and seeing pictures of people that are part of our family but i never got to know. pretty powerful stuff.

THANKS Sue for all of your hard work and dedication to the family.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Update on SunRiver St. George Senior Theater

Well, the last two weeks have been, shall we say, interesting? I have been to two meetings to date and both times came out feeling the person I was talking to not only understood what I was proposing, but was excited to get started.....However...... I was passed up the chain of command to the next approval body and had to make technical changes to my Proposal Document and the SunRiver St. George Senior Theater Company BY-LAWS. So now it is up to the next level of approval body, the SunRiver St. George Community Association Board of Trustees. I am hoping they will find it just as exciting and clear the path for me to get started. Keep you fingers crossed for me.

Mom and I love our new house, it was made for us. Please come see us some time and let mom show you her new "creation". I know gasoline is expensive, so I will make you a deal. You pay for the gas coming down, I will pay for it going back.

Just got off the phone with Peggy. She was at a Red Sox game and didn't have time to talk, so I told her to give me a cheer. She yelled, Go Sox and all the people around her let out a yell too. So cute, those folks in Boston.

Happy Birthday to Sammy from grandma and grandpa. The gift is in the mail.

See you all on the 9th of July. Won't be able to come up for the 4th. We both have annual physicals and mom is still in rehab for her back. (It's getting better all the time.)

Love Mom and DAD

I Never Know....

Ok people, I never know what to write on these stupid blog things, so, I have to write boring things.

So, Brad and I have booked three weddings that we are doing, this summer, which is way cool. If you would like to check out some of our work, you're always welcome to check out our website- Just so you know, we haven't had the chance to update too many of the photos; so, if you've already seen it, it might not look that much different.
Uhm.... some exciting news (not so exciting news for anyone else, really) is that Brad and I have ordered our "portable" lighting system! This includes another flash and two light stands with umbrellas.... hurray! So, yeah. That's what's going on thus far with us.
Hey, will some one explain to me how to upload a video from I've got a couple of fabulous videos that I would like to share with everyone!
Anyway, I believe.. I believe.... I believe.. THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sam-Then and Now

Click on the Pic to see closer (if you dare....)

Sam Bradshaw turns Sweet 16!

16 years ago an amazing person came to this Earth. Samuel K Bradshaw. One of the most loveable people that ever lived. Sam is truly a peace maker (except with Emily....hey, they're siblings after all!) and shows love and acceptance to every one he meets. Our family has truly been blessed because of him.

No one will ever forget his contagious laugh and enthusiam for all things comical. Brian Regan is his idol. Invader Zim is his bud and Sponge Bob, although fading from his favorites, is still heard every once in while.

Sam is truly the Pied Piper. Every kid that meets Sam automatically is drawn to him. It doesn't matter where we go, there is always a little kid wanting to be around Sam.

For his birthday today, Sam went on a shopping spree and got a whole new wardrobe! He wanted to show it off for all of you. Hope you enjoy!
BTW, Sam will be having a family b-day party in July along with Chelly and Ben. We will get you more info as time gets sooner. I'm thinking the weekend of the 15th. So i'll keep you posted.

Happy Birthday, Sam! You're one in a trillion!


I am a March birthday too. :)


in honor of the birthday boy, i will now share a few of the following things i remember about sam.

+ when susan brought sam home for the first time, i was there... arms open and ready to make him mine. she put him in my arms and he smiled. i knew then that he was mine and sue could have visitation rights every now and then!

+ as sam grew up, like 2 years old, he started to notice a small little thing hanging from his nether regions... no it's not what you are thinking... it was actually his OUTY belly button. the best part about it was he would stand over the toilet and hang on to it, as if he were trying to go the bathroom. freak dude you are awesome!

+ sam is really good for a snuggle. i know this because of the many hours we did this watching movies

+ one time i was babysitting the kids, sam must have been no more than 3 years old, i was calling everyone to dinner and we couldn't find sam anywhere. i started to panic. where could he have gone? i had checked in all of the usual places... but no sign. then i decided to check his room one last time. there he was, fast asleep in his bed. jammies and all. he used to do that, if he got tired he would put himself to bed... loved you for that man!

+ sam IS spongebob! have you ever heard his impersonation of his laugh... SPOT ON!

+ about 2 or 3 years ago, sam had to get this spacer thing put in his mouth to correct the size of his mouth or something. anyway, it turns out they cranked it too much and sam ended up with one of the biggest mouths on the planet. ROCK AWESOME and freaky all at the same time.

+ sam is one of the kindest dudes i have met. you know the expression "heart of gold" well they based it off of him... true story.

+sam brings light to this world in the most unique way... I LOVE IT!

i love you sam. i hope you have a great b-day. you rock my world!

Happy Birthday, Sambob!

Happy Birthday, Sammy!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

If I Kept My Hair Natural Like Yours, I'd Be Bald!

New Post on Mostly Madeline

So I finally got around to remembering my name and password for my Mostly Madeline blog, so everyone has to go and check it out.

Also, can you believe MY SON will be here in 13 FREAKING DAYS!!!!!! Not only that but we will be hopefully moving into actual house not too long there after. I'll make sure to post pics of both child and house as I can get them. My digital camera went kaput not too long ago and so I have no insta-pics to share.

I am, however, posting our little family's Easter pic so that y'all have at least something.

all because of Peggy

see what you did? (love ya!)


That was supposed to say "Congradulations!" forgot the "s" (Doh!)


Happy Anniversary! :)

Oh! and one more thing....Today is my 21st Wedding anniversary!
Yeah, Thanks!
Oh my goodness, I'm old and getting older. Seems like we got married just yesterday. Where did the time go, for heaven's sake?? We're still on our honeymoon!
(hmm...should I tell everyone that Don is working late to make him look like a jerk...hmmm... Nah..He's taking me to SnowBird on Friday...ok... its all good...I'm not mad...I'm not mad....I'm not mad...yeah, you keep telling yourself that...).
So here's to 21 more years!
Thanks everybody! Have yourself a great day!

And to Don....I love you, Don. I hate that your working late, but we can deal with that....again. You're the best.

Ok....I went about it all the long and hard way. I was trying to use the old noodle to figure this out and now I see I made it much harder for myself than need be! I started my OWN BLOG site!!! I swear I would never do it...kicking and screaming....and then I realized what a great resourse it would be to let everyone know about our family history stuff....ok quit snoring. But, no, really! so I will be adding stories and schtuff about peeps in our family tree and hopefully people will think its cool and want to know more and...well you get my drift.

So just to try out the pic is a pic of the Bradshaw Fam. Enjoy. And I have no idea how to tell you what my blog is so....treat me nice and explain already.

Alright! I did it!

Hi Hi Hi!

This is Beth in Tacoma/Spanaway in case you guys had no idea who this weird person was! LOL I think this is going to be so cool! I really want to get to know my cousins better so I hope you all will post on this thing!

Ok so lets try this picture thing..... I dont know if some of you are aware but my husband, Ryan, and I adopted a 3 legged dog from a Georgia Rescue Society (Old Fella Rescue Society). She came cross country in about 5 or 6 RV's, being handed off by people who we didnt even know who volunteered to transport her to us.

Here is the link to a news clip about her: If you want to go straight to the sight for King 5, its go to animal/pet video and the title is "Cross-country effort brings lucky dog to her new Washington home May 27th, 2007" you can see her and us camping. We did change her name from Anna to Tia. Now lets see if I can download some pictures of my babies. We have 3 dogs now. Tia, Misty, and DJ (Misty and DJ are Golden Retreivers and Tia is a Lab)
Ok so my images went to the top thats ok! DJ is the first one, then Misty, then Tia - me- and Misty and then Tia.
Hope to hear from you all soon!

So You Wanna Post But Don't Know How

Okay, fair enough. Some of you have never been on Blogger before and don't know what you are doing. Here are some step by step directions to posting your very own blog!


Step 1: If you are looking at this post then you are already at the half-way point, CONGRATS!

Step 2: If you look at the top right-hand corner of this screen you will see either, create blog or sign in. You should select SIGN IN. Not to be confused with SINGING IN which i almost typed. SINGING will not help you here!

Step 3: If you have a Google Account, you should be able to sign in using your google email address. If not, shame on you and get one already and then use said account to sign in.

Step 4: Once in, you should be looking at a screen titled DASHBOARD which will allow you to see all of the blogs (in most cases you only have one at this point) to which you are tied to.

Step 5: Look for the title of our Blog Deming Do Do's and just below that you should see the words NEW POST with a green + next to it. Click this!

Step 6: Now you are on the Posting page. At the top you should see all the tabs to which you shouldn't try to go to... I AM THE ADMIN and am the only one that has rights to change anything nanny nanny boo boo!

Step 7: Look at the Posting Page. You should see a place for you to add a TITLE at the top. Then below, Click into the main body of the page and begin typing. You should have the functionality to change fonts, colors, size and such. You will also notice the spell-checker and right next to that it looks like a really cheesy picture of some mountains or something. This is the link to adding pictures.


Step 1: Click on Picture Link (if confused, see Step 7 above).

Step 2: At the top you should see the BROWSE button which should connect you to your computers list of pictures.

Step 3: Choose a photo

Step 4: Look below the browse button to see how you can choose where in the post to put it and how big or small.

Step 5: Select the UPLOAD IMAGE and wait until the box appears telling you that it was successful!


Well, we are off and running

Hi from St. George, Utah. Momma and me is great. we's been workin hard putten dis stuff toget her. Lookin forword to Ice-Lick bein borned.


Mr. Bobstah, You Alright Sir???

Welcome to Blog-Land my dearest family! YAY for modern technology, now we get to love each other a little more each day, by keeping one another posted with pics and stories and such in our every day lives! oh what fun!!!

Now it's your turn-- post something-- a favorite story, a picture-- something wicked!