Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Alright! I did it!

Hi Hi Hi!

This is Beth in Tacoma/Spanaway in case you guys had no idea who this weird person was! LOL I think this is going to be so cool! I really want to get to know my cousins better so I hope you all will post on this thing!

Ok so lets try this picture thing..... I dont know if some of you are aware but my husband, Ryan, and I adopted a 3 legged dog from a Georgia Rescue Society (Old Fella Rescue Society). She came cross country in about 5 or 6 RV's, being handed off by people who we didnt even know who volunteered to transport her to us.

Here is the link to a news clip about her: If you want to go straight to the sight for King 5, its go to animal/pet video and the title is "Cross-country effort brings lucky dog to her new Washington home May 27th, 2007" you can see her and us camping. We did change her name from Anna to Tia. Now lets see if I can download some pictures of my babies. We have 3 dogs now. Tia, Misty, and DJ (Misty and DJ are Golden Retreivers and Tia is a Lab)
Ok so my images went to the top thats ok! DJ is the first one, then Misty, then Tia - me- and Misty and then Tia.
Hope to hear from you all soon!


Lady Bills said...

YAY BETH!!! you did it!

your puppies are so CUTE. i love the pics of them. keep posting, i am LOVING this!