Friday, June 29, 2007

Update on SunRiver St. George Senior Theater

Well, the last two weeks have been, shall we say, interesting? I have been to two meetings to date and both times came out feeling the person I was talking to not only understood what I was proposing, but was excited to get started.....However...... I was passed up the chain of command to the next approval body and had to make technical changes to my Proposal Document and the SunRiver St. George Senior Theater Company BY-LAWS. So now it is up to the next level of approval body, the SunRiver St. George Community Association Board of Trustees. I am hoping they will find it just as exciting and clear the path for me to get started. Keep you fingers crossed for me.

Mom and I love our new house, it was made for us. Please come see us some time and let mom show you her new "creation". I know gasoline is expensive, so I will make you a deal. You pay for the gas coming down, I will pay for it going back.

Just got off the phone with Peggy. She was at a Red Sox game and didn't have time to talk, so I told her to give me a cheer. She yelled, Go Sox and all the people around her let out a yell too. So cute, those folks in Boston.

Happy Birthday to Sammy from grandma and grandpa. The gift is in the mail.

See you all on the 9th of July. Won't be able to come up for the 4th. We both have annual physicals and mom is still in rehab for her back. (It's getting better all the time.)

Love Mom and DAD


Lady Bills said...

dad the RED SOX game was PERFECTION... perfect weather, perfect people to spend the night with, and of course.. THEY WON!!!

good luck with the theater troope thing. don't those board people know that they have the best person on the job???