so last night i joined the ranks of several thousand other people in harvard square- turned into harry-ville as the world waited in eager anticipation for THE FINAL BOOK!!!
it turned into a game of trying to capture as many character-impostors as we could.
then it was off to a fancy-schmancy restaurant for HARRY THEMED DINNER! i even had a taste of the lip-smacking butter beer!
then the sorting hat got passed around and guess which house i'm in??? RAVENCLAW!! Whoot!
then it was back out to the middle of the square while we waited outside the doors of THE COOP at Harvard for midnight to strike so that everyone could claim their long-awaited prize!
i however did not get a book. i haven't even finished book 4! i know, i know don't get on my case about it!
all in all it was fun to join the mayhem of the night! mom you would have loved it but been severely disappointed as there weren't as many harry-potter things to do as would have been acceptable for you!
I didnt know you guys were Harry fans! Alright! I just read all the books about 2 months ago and (you may want to sit down Peggy) I havent seen any of the movies yet. (Gasp! I know!) I do have the new (last! sob!) book but am making myself wait to read it.... drawing out the suspense I guess. That is so funny you would be in Ravenclaw! Not sure what house I would be in.... LOL I want to see the movies in sequence, I am a bit anal, but cant wait to see this newest one! I want to see the twins exit from Hogwarts! I loved that!
Oh my gosh Peg, what did you go dressed up as, Luna??? (Actually she was my favorite!) And I agree it was my favorite of all 5 movies.
I have to admit that I cheated and read the epilogue before I let Ben read the book. There were too many spoilers out there for me to resist. How lame....Well I didn't have time to read it...
It was awesome!
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